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A beautiful and painful article.

Eduardo here.

Last Sunday I read an article in El País, El pino caído ya no está en Málaga (The Fallen Pine Is Not in Málaga Anymore), by John J. Hiley. His description of Spain, especially the South, where I am from, was accurate but also a bit painful. He writes about the country changing and the perspective of some of the British who have lived there or loved Spain – actually, his own perspective.

This morning, playing with a new app for my phone, Flipboard, I found the article in English (its original language, the Spanish version was a translation) and I don’t want to miss the opportunity to share with our students or the people who read this blog. Here its title is simpler and less poetic, Spain, but Hilley’s words have the same truth. You can read here.

Picture by Jonas Ginter


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