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Our group courses

Groups are a perfect format to learn a language. Enjoy, learn, speak!

Autumn term

Please, read the Terms & Conditions before booking your course.

Absolute BeginnerPriceStudent discount
Beginner 1 | Wed– 6.30-8.30pm 10 weeks | Starts 9th October £160
Post BeginnerPriceStudent discount
Beginner 2 | Thu– 6.30-8.30pm 10 weeks | Starts 10th October £160
Beginner 3 | Tue– 6.30-8.30pm 10 weeks | Starts 15th October £160
IntermediatePriceStudent discount
Intermediate 1 | Mon– 6.30-8.30pm 10 weeks | Starts 7th October£160
Intermediate 2 | Thu– 6.30-8.30pm 10 weeks | Starts 10th October £160
Upper-IntermediatePriceStudent discount
Upper Intermediate 1 | Mon– 6.30-8.30pm 10 weeks | Starts 7th October£160
Upper Intermediate 2 | Wed– 6.30-8.30pm 10 weeks | Starts 9th October£160
AdvancedPriceStudent discount
Advanced 2 | Wed– 4-6pm 10 weeks | Starts 9th October£160
Advanced 6 | Tue– 4-6pm 10 weeks | Starts 8th October £160
Advanced 8 | Tue– 11-1pm 10 weeks | Starts 8th October £160
ProficientPriceStudent discount
Proficient 1 | Tue– 6.30-8.30pm 10 weeks | Starts 9th October£160
Proficient 5 | Thu– 11-1pm 10 weeks | Starts 10th October £160
Proficient 6 | Thu– 6.30-8.30pm 10 weeks | Starts 10th October £160

You can always contact us on WhatsApp , or by completing the form below:

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